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As a small to medium sized business, I bet you’ve got your marketing hands full! Creating content, posting social media across a host of platforms, email marketing, advertising and leaflet delivery is already a lot to worry about, so why would you want to add video to the mix?

1. Let’s put you on the second largest search engine in the world

Yes… Google is number one, but YouTube is now the second largest search engine across the globe. This is exactly where your potential customers are searching!

2. Google LOVES video

Adding video to your website can increase your Google ranking by 50%.

3. Help your customers understand your business

Someone watching your video will have a far better understanding of exactly what you do or offer. If you don’t have one yet, a product overview video of what you're offering (a recipe for a restaurant, an instructional video for a service, or the story behind your company) can help increase a viewer's understanding of your business by 74%.

4. It’s how your customers want to find you

Your potential customers are spending more time consuming digital video: 1 hour and 55 minutes per day. On top of that, four times as many consumers would rather watch a video than simply read about it online, according to eMarketer.

Video is an audience’s medium of choice.

5. Build your email click-throughs

Including the word 'video' in the subject lines of your emails can increase open rates by 7-13%.

6. Create a better connection

Watching a video delivers your message using both audio and visual. By using both of these areas of the brain, your viewers are more engaged and therefore develop a stronger interest in the story you’re telling.

7. Take advantage of the low cost of entry

Creating video content is not as expensive as you think, and by creating your story as a video, you have a huge opportunity to reinforce that message across a host of other mediums – meaning your story can reach more people, across more platforms, with less effort.

8. Show up more in social feeds

Social media feeds have done an amazing job at showing only the content that viewers are interested in (or at least have shown a previous interest in). This means it’s getting harder and harder to make sure your business is on your potential customer's feed, but that’s also why more and more video posts are showing up in people’s news feeds. If you create video and deliver through social, you’re more likely to be seen.

9. Tell a stronger story

It’s just a fantastic way to tell your story.

10. Better conversions

4.8% is the average conversion rate for websites using video, compared to those that don’t, which see an average rate of just of 2.9%.

11. Video drives a purchase

40% of consumers say that they are more likely to purchase on their mobile devices simply because of a video, and website visitors are 64% more likely to buy after watching a video. That’s a pretty good reason!

12. It’s a multi-purpose, multi-platform marketing tool

One video can have many uses. Simply cut it up in different ways for different platforms. Keep it short for Instagram or maybe re-edit to create a teaser video for Facebook.

13. And finally…

Businesses that are using video are growing revenue 49% faster than those who don’t.

That’s a significant amount!

Contact us on to find out how we could help you captivate your audience

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